Friday, April 11, 2014

The 100 Episode 4 Murphy's Law (Review)

The 100 Episode 4 'Murphys Law' 

"This show just keeps getting better and more gripping with each episode"

This week’s episode of the highly gripping show on the CW called the 100 grabs a hold of you and keeps you watching.

When the 100 kids find out there is a murder among them, they go to extreme lengths to get justice for killing Wells (who was killed at the end of last week’s episode).

The events from Wells murder leads to an epic episode. The characters develop another notch, some you will begin to dislike others you begin to love.

 All in all this has to be the best episode yet.

Clarke and Finn get much closer and I for one like these two characters and where there relationship is going.

 I like this episode because of the ways the kids react to the murdering of one of their own.  (It’s the first time there has been a murder so far, and a killer is somewhere among them.

Tension has risen up another notch and The 100, irrational and unstable, go to vast and far lengths.

 All in all, this episode had to be my favorite so far.

This show just keeps getting better and more gripping with each episode.

So if you haven't started watching. Then what are you waiting for


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