Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Agents Of Shield season 1 episode 16 The End Of The Beginning Review (spoiler free)

After some of our first looks into Marvels universe last week where we got to see concept images of scarlet witch, Quick silver and some of what we’ve already seen,  (Antman concept art.) To be quite honest I never watched last week’s special which in the end seemed to pay no importance when (Except for the newer concept art and some other tidbits) I didn’t miss out on anything that I already know. When you have more than potentially 12 hours of bonus dvd features that you’ve watched, there’s not too much else to know. It’s all very Interesting stuff though. (I’m a very special features kind of guy.)
So when tonight was the night, a night ive been waiting two weeks for, (since I caught up with the series)I couldn’t wait to see what events would unfold next for our Agents of Shield. My expectations for tonight’s show did not fall short, for the massive amounts of content and events that begin to unfold in tonights episode of Agents Of Shield. I may be going on a limb here but I think it just might be one of the best episodes of the season. Here’s hoping the next episode will be even greater.

What episode is Amy Ackers appearance in again?

The episode starts off with agent Triplett and agent Garett getting attacked as they take solitude in a beat up safe house. The two are discussing their plan to find the clairvoyant when Death lok initiates the attack by busting through the door then slinging himself through the roof. If his purpose was to scare them or kill them he does a pretty terrible job. If anything I would think the clairvoyant is one step ahead of them and using Death Lok to bait the trap. The episode picks up pretty quickly starting the show off on a very quick pace, 1:25 seconds to almost be exact. At the same time it does a good job by successfully drawing in the audience and setting up the events for the episode.

As the rest of the pieces start to fall in we see an appearance from agent Victoria Hand, and the rest of the agents preparing to use a list of sorts to track down the clairvoyant. The list seems to be a list put together by Shield which details people with the potential ability to read minds.

Everyone has their mission. We see the agents gearing up to track down the clairvoyant while Coulson gives Skye her own personal mission, to track the clairvoyant through purposes of the internet. Having that bracelet off definitely has its advantages doesn’t it Skye?

The majority of the episode has them tracking the clairvoyant, and getting pretty close to the truth. The Ending to the beginning is an episode filled with truths and a lot of half-truths. Maybe April 1st was the perfect time to air the episode as I have a feeling not everything is going to follow suit as the episode makes us believe at the end of the episode. The episode itself ends with a pretty big bang and leaves you jaw hung at the very end. If you’ve been waiting to watch shield to see when it picks up the anti the time is now

 Nice Toys.

 I prefer the term high-tech hardware – Fitz

Does no one else find his accent as adorable as I do?

Overall as I said I believe the show is one of the best episodes of the season. Just like most of you I believe a lot of us lost interest in the show early on, and if it weren’t for some of the more recent promos I wouldn’t be writing this nor would I of watched it. There have been a lot of events that have been unfolding as of recent and finally the show is starting to pick up. With winter solider happening simultaneously this week it will be nice to see what agent of shield will do and where it will go.
At the very end of this episode we see who Mays contact and is the one who is in control of the plane leading to the belief that, that someone may be the clairvoyant... I believe next episode we will see a lot of events and confusing stories crossing over, folding in the clairvoyant and the secrets shield is hiding all into one juicy season finale. Let us also not forget some other potential villains to possibly come out of the water works. I would suggest if you haven’t caught up yet, right now is the time to do so.

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